About Us
There are different types of Breast Centers including Screening Breast Centers, Diagnostic Breast Centers, Clinical Breast Centers and Comprehensive Centers. The Breast Center, formerly known as Allison Women's Imaging, is a Comprehensive Breast Center. This means that we provide screening mammograms, diagnostic mammograms, breast ultrasound, needle core biopsies, breast MRI, pre-operative needle localization, lymphoscintigraphy and nurse navigation services.
The Breast Center is the only Breast Center in the state of Texas to receive all three honors for quality measures that can be given to a Breast Center. We are an ACR Designated Comprehensive Breast Imaging Center and an NQMBC Breast Center of Excellence (one of only two in the state of Texas). Our most recent designation is that we have become accredited by the NAPBC (National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers)
Why are these certifications important to me as a patient?
- ACR Designated Comprehensive Breast Imaging Center means that staff qualifications and equipment are monitored for quality control and assurance and that the utmost safety policies are in place and that image quality is meeting the necessary standards.
- NQMBC Breast Center of Excellence means that our performance is compared to other breast centers across the country. This is used to see where quality exists, particularly in timeliness of care, in our center and where there are opportunities for quality improvement.
- NAPBC accreditation means that we have voluntarily committed to provide the highest quality breast care, maintaining recognized standards and undergo a rigorous evaluation process by the American College of Surgeons to review our performance.

The only Breast Center in Texas to receive all 3 honors.