Carrying Hope Together: How to Find and Be a Hope Holder

I don’t think any of us wake up one morning and decide to have a horrible day. I would say most of the time, the average person sets their feet on the floor and heads into the new day with, not necessarily glee, but with a basic level of expectation for a pleasurable day. Which, honestly, is a really good way to begin your day; however, we often don’t plan for the stress and pressures of everyday life. Life is hard! Heading out into the world without a plan to maintain our mental and emotional well-being is like heading to the grocery store to buy something to cook for dinner - hungry, with no list and no budgetary parameter – it is a recipe for disaster! What do you do when you find life has overwhelmed you and you have no clear plan to regroup and move forward? When you have come to the place where you have lost confidence in yourself and your ability to regroup, redirect, and move forward? First, I would say you should ask for help. There are counselors and life coaches who can help you focus on your strengths and create a plan to step back in the right direction. Second, I highly recommend getting a hope holder. What is a hope holder? A hope holder is someone in your life that you know and trust. Someone who cares about you and believes in you. Someone who will walk alongside you and carry your hope until you are strong enough to take it back and carry it yourself. Finally, if you are in a place where you are carrying your own hope and doing well, consider being a hope holder for someone. Take a look around. We all may look put together on the outside, but the odds are someone out there needs you. Let’s look at the role of a hope holder using the acronym HOPE.
H – Hearer. A hope holder doesn’t just listen to your words; they hear the message your words are conveying. I know so many times on my journey I have not known the words to express where I am and how I feel, but a hearer took my words, “I am so tired,” and knew to ask me, “Are you eating?” “When was the last time you went out and sat with sunlight on your face?”.
O - Optimistic. When we are overstressed and overwhelmed, we are often under-encouraged and desperately need a reminder of how strong and amazing we truly are. A hope holder reminds us that tomorrow, the sun will rise, and we are not alone.
P – Patient. The road to healing is curvy and bumpy; sometimes, it circles back around to places you have already been. Hope holders willingly choose to take time out of their day to hear, elevate us, and remind us that we are enough, no matter how long it takes.
E – Empathetic. No other person can ever truly know how we feel. We can, however, acknowledge one another’s feelings. A hope holder is there to show compassion and understanding of our feelings and how they are impacting our road to wellness.
Life can be overwhelming, and it’s easy to lose sight of hope when things get tough. However, with a hope holder by your side, you won’t have to carry that burden alone. Whether you’re in need of one or are in a position to be one, hope holders remind us of the strength within ourselves and the light that still lies ahead. Remember, healing takes time, but with the proper support, you can regain your hope and walk forward with renewed confidence. Be kind to yourself, and don’t hesitate to reach out to those around you—it just might make all the difference.