Community Health Outreach

About Midland Health First
The vision for Midland Health is to make Midland the healthiest community in Texas. Part of our Healing Mission is to do our best to improve the health and well-being of our community. Check this page regularly to stay up-to-date on our community health initiatives, including our community garden project, whole-food plant-based nutrition, and health & wellness events happening in Midland.
Better U
BetterU is a online holistic lifestyle medicine program addressing all three branches of health—physical, mental and spiritual. Within these branches are a variety of different programs to help you find and customize a health plan tailored to your needs. Want to know more? Visit to sign-up!
To hear powerful success stories from real people making an impact in our community, head to
If you are an employee of Midland Health please visit betterU here>
Community Service Month
Midland Health employees take part in Community Service Month each year during November and December. Employees and their families serve at local organizations, non-profits, and community events. These events include the HEB Feast of Sharing, West Texas Food Bank, Meals on Wheels, Midland Soup Kitchens Ministry, and more.
Food FARMacy
Midland Health and West Texas Food Bank collaborated to bring a Food FARMacy to the Midland community. Nourishing your body with healthy foods is one of the best ways to create a healthier lifestyle. At the Food FARMacy, referred patients learn about ways to use food to assist with chronic illnesses. Participants will see a food demo and then be able to choose from a variety of plant forward food to take home with them. Learn more by Visiting the Food FARMacy page.
Hope Chest
Hope Chest is an incentives program for pregnant and parenting women of all ages, income, races, religious affiliations and needs, focusing on the health of babies across the Permian Basin. It encourages responsibility and healthy behavior during and after pregnancy. Visit our Hope Chest page for more information.
Hope Circle
Hope Circle is dedicated to improving the quality of life for those affected by cancer through activity and building community. The program focuses on nutrition, community, and activities that hope to better and extend the lives of participants. Midland Health is proud to partner with Gifts of Hope for this program. Visit our Hope Circle page for more information.
Medical Explorers Program
Midland Health offers a Medical Exploring program for young women and men ages 14-18. Midland Health Medical Explorer Post 1950 started in 2023. The program runs year-round with typically two meetings per month. Visit our Medical Explorers page for more information.
Midland Health Community Garden
Want to make a difference? So do we. We're starting from the ground up with a dream to create healthy dietary options for everyone in the Midland community. We have built a community garden right on the F. Marie Hall Outpatient Center grounds, at 4214 Andrews Highway.
Help our dream of a healthier Midland take root. Visit our Community Garden page or call (432) 221-4510 for information about renting a plot, volunteering, and other ways you can get involved.
Power Bags
Midland Health with the collaboration of the Literacy Coalition has brought new families resources, books and development toys to start literacy early. This program encourages parents to use public libraries for storytime, reading books early in life and other literacy programs in the community. Power Bags is an initiative to provide a new book to every baby born at Midland Memorial Hospital. That means more than 3,000 books will be provided to newborns each year.
Wellness Tour
Wellness Tour promotes health and wellness in Midland and encourages healthy behaviors, health awareness and wellness activities throughout the entire week at various locations across the city. Midland Health is proud to partner with the City of Midland, Midland Independent School District, Midland College, and many more for this city wide event. For details about Wellness Tour, visit
Upcoming Community Events
Click here to see a list of upcoming community events, such as health fairs, free health screenings, nutrition support groups, walk and run events, etc
Other Resources - Financial assistance, food pantries, medical care, and other resources.