
Midland Health Planning & Marketing 
(432) 221-1185


Couplet Care Now at MMH

Posted On: 5/3/2016

Midland Memorial Hospital's Women’s & Children’s Services is in the process of developing, improving and promoting a family-centered maternity care program here at the hospital.

Family-centered care focuses on educating parents in skills needed to care for their newborn, promoting and establishing breastfeeding, and forging the strong bonds needed to become a family.

Starting this morning, with this focus in mind, all normal healthy newborns will be cared for in their mother’s rooms. All daily activities, including lab draws, hearing screens and weights will be performed in the room with the parents present. One nurse will care for both the mother and the newborn. Many refer to as couplet care or mother-baby care.

Family-centered care is the gold standard of care, and we are proud to be partners in providing it.

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